
Your Skin's BFF in Plant Form!!!

What in the *bleep* is that alien organic lookin' thing-a-ma-bobber? Uh, if you're a smarty-pants plants girl, then you might've guessed, ALOE! You deserve a prize! How 'bout buyin' your very own? You probably already know that aloe vera is great for soothing skin that's injured or sunburned. But here are two things you maybe didn't know: Aloe is really amazing at helping pimple scars heal much faster, and an aloe plant is so low-maintenance that even a person with the pinkest thumb can keep it tickin'-alive. No joshin' here, let's just say my purrfect garden is havin' surrius ish's. Not so with the ALOE! Um...hi, breaking off plant leaves should be a surrius "no no" but not in this case...it's just grows more! Break off the leaves, squeeze out the squishy stuff and see your face thank you for life! Are your girlies jealous? Break them off some leaves too, when their mayjer break-out occurs!


Ashley said...

Hey my fav. Fashionista!! I actually have an aloe plant growing in the house right now! :) Good advice Missy! :)

Em said...

ahhh, i remember having one of these as a kid. my very favorite thing was to break a piece off and put it on my burns. i think i was about 2.