
White - The "it" Color

If you're still sportin' the Linkin' Park After Dark on your tips - sorry that's officially "out". In the words of fashionista Heidi Klume "One day your in and the next you're aught." So yeah, white-marshmallow fluffy paint is THE THING now - like all THE RAGE! Don't believe me? All the SUPASTAS are sportin' it! Wanna know what's way rad? I decided to do it yesterday for a new "look". Then I did my whole research jargon to see if I was making a major fashion fopa. Obviously, I'm totally up on THE LATEST. Whole "french mani" bit - not so much. Paint it from the tip to the base in the french white! Oo la la mon-sherry! Love it? Hate it? Got a fav snowy white color? Spill the paint and let us in on your thoughts!


Tanji said...

Cute! But it kinda looks like when my 6 year old gets ahold of the white out. :) btw I'm a commenting fool today! Occupied kids and extra time ~ Yay!

Tamra said...

I love this site! It's dang cute! I'm going to have to try this one. I've been meaning to pick some up at the store, I love a cute nails!